Livery Services |
Livery Services
Based on a small private yard in the Kentish Countryside, our set up benefits from beautiful hacking with rural lanes and tranquil bridleways with hills ideal for building strength in our horses. On site we have a full size outdoor arena, 10 stables, a smaller indoor arena that keeps us out of the rain through the winter and is a cool relief in the summer from the heat. The yard also benefits from a horse walker with rubber brick paving which can be used as often or as infrequently as each client chooses. We believe that all horses should have the benefit of turnout and whilst we don't have acres on acres for all day grazing all year round, we really love to make sure our horses go out in the fields as much as they can as part of their varied routine.
Full Livery
This package with us means we treat your horse as if they were ours in regard to care and routine. We take care of all feeding, mucking out, turning out, time on the horse walker as well as farrier and vet visits. All you have to do is come and ride! There will always be a coffee on offer when you turn up and you'll also have priority for catching a lesson with Joe when you want to brush up on your skills or get to the next stage with your horse.
Full Livery
This package with us means we treat your horse as if they were ours in regard to care and routine. We take care of all feeding, mucking out, turning out, time on the horse walker as well as farrier and vet visits. All you have to do is come and ride! There will always be a coffee on offer when you turn up and you'll also have priority for catching a lesson with Joe when you want to brush up on your skills or get to the next stage with your horse.